Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday...


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Xerxes  6/30/02

No Message updates for a couple of weeks, but there are plenty of comics uploaded.

If luck is on my side, I'll be back as soon as they run out.

If not, then you'll see some image saying "more comics soon."

Oh well.


JUN Jul 2002
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10

 Link to me!

I am in no way claiming ownership of any Dragonball Z, Capcom, SNK, Nintendo, or Squaresoft characters. This is a non-profit webcomic produced by fans, for fans. The name JAG5 and all original characters produced by JAG5 (and there will be some) are the property of Scott Robertson and Jeff Phillips.
JAG5 is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.